649 Calculation Prediction

649 Prediction Beta 1.9.2019

The theory of this prediction is based on following facts: The number of next draw can be get from the pool of the past draws, not all, but 6 or 8 draws.

So that 5 to 6 numbers of the next draw will be from the about 30 number pool. The hit ratio is increased.

Analysis draws, until 4247draw, offset 0~20draws,
past draws. Compare with the target draw.

Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 0 draws, past 6 draws47÷385=0.12207792207792Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 1 draws, past 6 draws44÷386=0.1139896373057Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 2 draws, past 6 draws48÷383=0.12532637075718Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 3 draws, past 6 draws46÷377=0.12201591511936Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 4 draws, past 6 draws44÷374=0.11764705882353Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 5 draws, past 6 draws42÷374=0.11229946524064Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 6 draws, past 6 draws42÷374=0.11229946524064Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 7 draws, past 6 draws46÷372=0.12365591397849Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 8 draws, past 6 draws46÷369=0.12466124661247Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 9 draws, past 6 draws48÷366=0.13114754098361Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 10 draws, past 6 draws44÷365=0.12054794520548Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 11 draws, past 6 draws44÷365=0.12054794520548Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 12 draws, past 6 draws42÷363=0.11570247933884Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 13 draws, past 6 draws42÷360=0.11666666666667Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 14 draws, past 6 draws44÷359=0.12256267409471Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 15 draws, past 6 draws44÷360=0.12222222222222Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 16 draws, past 6 draws47÷364=0.12912087912088Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 17 draws, past 6 draws51÷366=0.13934426229508Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 18 draws, past 6 draws48÷366=0.13114754098361Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 19 draws, past 6 draws42÷363=0.11570247933884Go
Analysis 14 draws, until 4247. Offset 20 draws, past 6 draws44÷363=0.12121212121212Go

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