LottoMax Prediction Base

LottoMAX Prediction Beta 2.16.2022

Analysis 14 draws to 5845, offset 11 draws, past 6 draws' hits. The number of n+1 draw hit the number of past n-6 to n draws.

DrawDatePast6drawsNumbersSame Numbers
The 5832 draw5815 - 582000
The 5833 draw5816 - 582100
The 5834 draw5817 - 582200
The 5835 draw5818 - 582300
The 5836 draw5819 - 582400
The 5837 draw5820 - 582500
The 5838 draw5821 - 582600
The 5839 draw5822 - 582700
The 5840 draw5823 - 582800
The 5841 draw5824 - 582900
The 5842 draw5825 - 583000
The 5843 draw5826 - 583100
The 5844 draw5827 - 583200
The 5845 draw5828 - 583300